Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A prayer...

Dear Jesus,

Everyday I thank you for the wonders that you have worked in my life.
Eversince I embraced you as my Lord, you have never been far from me and your hands have always been around me, your words my comfort and my shield.

Lord, thank you for sending me so much blessings. For Ian and Kae whose love keeps me going day by day... For my amazing parents who have given so much of themselves as parents... For the many faces I meet- both old and new- everyday who are a testimony of your love and your abundant blessings!

Lord, thank you so much for never giving up on me and for your gift of faith, grace, love, hope and unending mercy... thank you for bestowing all these on me. I am so undeserving and yet you give and give and give... I thank you Lord and I praise you for all these.

Lord, I now pray for brother Nelson and his wife who have been trying for a child. Make his wife fruitful O Lord... touch her womb and make it bear fruit for this is not impossible to you Lord. Nothing is! AMEN! We claim this victory for Nelson and his wife... we claim the promises of fruitfulness for them. AMEN! Praise YOU God!

I pray for brother Daniel that he will receive guidance about his work. Lord, brother Daniel must be rich in your favour for you have sent him so many trials of late as a testimony of his great faith and trust in you so that we too are renewed in our faith and our trust in you! He has come through each trial stronger and praising you louder than ever before and I thank you God for this affirmation through him. AMEN! We claim this Victory in YOU!

I pray for sister Pau Cen that her job will be secure, her faith strong and her blessings bountiful. I pray that you will bless her with the gift of motherhood and also bless her womb and make it bear fruit. AMEN! We claim this Victory in YOU!

I pray for sister Lanie who is undergoing spiritual warfare right now. I pray that you will strengthen her as she takes this journey of Single Motherhood and that you will especially bless her child and bless her so that all will go smoothly. God bless her such that everything she needs, you have already provided for so that nothing will stumble her Lord. AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU!

I pray for Eugene and Lynn Lord that their current spat will be resolved. Help them O'Lord.

I pray for my brother Jenn and his wife that their visit to the gynae today will be one of reassurance and that the baby will pass the test. Bless their child and prepare their hearts for the gift, the journey of being parents. I pray that his wife will have a safe pregnancy, no morning sickness or cravings, no hypertension or diabetes... I pray that she will have no stretchmarks and that she will have a painless delivery! AMEN! WE CLAIM THAT VICTORY IN YOU!

I pray for my brother Lennel whom I am so pleased that you have called to your servitude! I want to thank and praise you Lord for blessing his life with your precious word and for covering him with your holy blood! Thank you for sending him a cell leader whom he can identify with and vice versa. Continue blessing him in his new faith bountifully! AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU!

I pray for Ian's Dad's health as well as that of my Dad's. Lord... bless and heal their bodies Lord. Heal every part of them that is broken Lord... inside, outside... Lord you have healed the lame, made the blind see... this is nothing to you Lord for you ARE our creator and as you can create so can you heal! AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU!

I pray for Ian's sisters and their family. Wherever they may be, BLESS them GREATLY! Bless Vivien as she becomes a stay at home mother. Bless her with all the strength, love and wisdom she needs as a Christian mother and wife. Bless Von that he will always be recharged and that he will always have time to spend with his two daughters and still have amazing job security because it is YOUR gift to him. AMEN! AMEN! I pray for Sylvia and Dennis that they will be blessed with the gift of parenthood and the wisdom to be able to be great Christian parents too and that they both will also have great job security as your gift to them! I pray that they will all prosper as you have promised them and that you will send showers upon showers of blessings upon them.AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU!

I pray for my Aunt's salvation from idolatory. I pray for her entire family to find their way to your presence and to embrace you with all their heart. I pray that you will cause a GREAT miracle to happen in their lives so that they will let go of all idolatory and know that you are God and believe that there is ONLY ONE GOD and only one who can bless them bountifully and give them the mercy and love and healing that they need. AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU!

I pray for Aunty Betty who is journeying in the Faith right now. Fill her with your wonderful words and touch her with your teachings O Lord. Bless her path with many who can lead her to You Lord! AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU!

I pray for my cousins, for my relatives that are all over the world... may you send your angels to protect each and everyone of them. May you bless them and keep them all safe. AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU!

I pray for Eric and his family... I pray for Yuning and her family... I pray for Gen and her lovely family... I pray for Pearly and her family. Bless them all with greater faith if they are your children already and if they are not, I pray that you bless them with the Christian faith so that they may share in the mercy of Christ and the blessings of Your great love and eternal life! AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU!

I pray for the films we hope to make, the scripts we have to write, the business we are in the midst of building up... I SURRENDER all of them to you... as a living sacrifice along with us. Every victory won for them is YOUR victory Lord... a testimony to YOUR gifts Lord... I stand here humble before you because I know you plant each thought, each word, each imagery in my mind. I am not so great. Bless our films and every endeavour greatly. AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU!

Lord I pray for Ian. Touch him so he may have the gift of the ability to speak in the Spirit so that he may be able to converse effortlessly with the Chinese in mandarin. LORD you are the Lord of all languages so I know that ONLY you and you alone can help Ian right now. AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU!

I pray for Ian's Discovery project that his superiors in the project will find great liking and trust in him. That they will like what he has written and be at peace with Ian. That they will be understanding, open and embrace whatever ideas or script he has written because I know Lord that Ian writes them IN YOU, THROUGH YOU so I CLAIM VICTORY OVER THE DISCOVERY PROJECT RIGHT NOW LORD BECAUSE YOU ARE THE ONE DOING THIS PROJECT FOR IAN... blessing his hands, his mind, his thoughts, his lips so that what he writes and what he utters about it is well received and such that all he does will be smooth. BECOZ it is done IN YOU, FOR YOU and FOR YOUR GLORY! AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU! I CLAIM THE VICTORY THAT HE WILL BE SAFE IN CHINA, HE WILL COME HOME IN GREAT HEALTH AND REJOICING FOR A JOB WELL DONE BECAUSE OF YOUR VICTORY IN HIS LIFE AND IN HIS WORK! AMEN AMEN!

I pray for the F1 powerboat and Singtel projects of Ian that ALL will go SMOOTHLY with them because we lift them up to you right here right now and humbly ask for your touch, your assitance and for your grace to pour out on these projects.AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU!

I pray for Kaelen that with each new day, his every gifts and talents will grow in YOU and that he will one day be able to use all these gifts to further your glory and to serve you with all of his God fearing heart. AMEN! We claim that Victory in YOU!




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