Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A reminder not to judge...

"You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? 4Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?"
Romans 2:1-4

It is so easy to judge another person and so easy to do so without realising that you are.

I confess and humbly admit that I have judged people myself. I apologise.

Have you realised how when you are the one doing the judging of another person, you feel a certain smugness or are glad that are not like the person?

BUT what if the situation is reversed- What it you are the one being judged? How would U feel?

I remember being ostracized as a kid because I was not "cool"... not funky.... not with the "in" crowd... that feeling was horrible. And I used to hate those people who judged me... I guess whilst that has made me more mindful of trying not to make someone feel that same dismay, it also makes it a pot calling a kettle black situation should I judge.

That person you are judging because maybe he/she is with body odour or the person who has a disability that is physical, emotional or mental or that person who is "uncool" or who we think is a bitch... they have feelings too! We tend to forget that when we judge another person from one perspective, not seeing it from the other side of the coin. Not remembering how it felt like standing on the other side of the judgement.

In all our words and actions and thoughts, let us be mindful of each other and remind ourselves not to judge. For we do not know what the other party has been going through, his/her own personal conflicts and situations enough to judge at all. As a result, the only one who is perfect and who has the wisdom and the power to judge is God!

He has reminded us again and again that if we judge someone one way, we will be judged the same way. I'd rather try harder not to judge someone than to be judged that same way. I'd rather not be judged... I'd rather be SAVED!

And Jesus had come to do just that... without any show of favoritism, Christ came to SAVE US ALL... anyone who wants to achieve salvation through him just has to confess it and to believe it, to lead a Christ-centric life to be saved from judgement and wrath of God! How wonderful! We do not have to be judged because of the precious sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ! Because God has bestowed upon us the gifts of Faith and mercy that we can choose to receive and partake in!

At the end of the day, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"... Let us examine ourselves before we hastily cast our stones at the people around us.

Dear Jesus, for all the times I have judged another person, I am truly sorry. Help me to be more loving and in being so, more forgiving and understanding. Help me always to treat a fellow person the way you would want me to. Help me to be more Christ-like everyday. Although I am not perfect Lord, I can try to be a better Christian with each new day. Help me Lord.

This we ask in your most precious name. Amen.


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