Friday, January 27, 2006

What can we do with our worry?

I found this website to be very helpful. It is on what we can do with worry:

As humans, it is our nature to worry.

We worry about not our job security, bills to pay, our kids and how they are turning out... we worry about our relationships we have with the people around us. Has there ever been a time where you did not worry?

We worry if sweeping the floor on Chinese New Year will bring us bad luck... we worry if breaking a mirror accidentally means 13 years of bad luck... we worry about cats jumping over coffins during funerals or if walking underneath a ladder as kids doom us to be short... if pointing at the moon will cause a cut on our tongues...

We worry ALL the time about things that affect our lives and about what other people say.

But the thing we should be REALLY focus on, we don't.

When you worry, do you tell God it's not fair that you are in this position of worry?

I remember I used to worry alot more... I guess I still do but I have begun to realise that the saying is true "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ?" (Matt 6:27) & this too "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matt 6:34)

The more we worry, the more frustrated we are. The more frustrated we are, we pass that frustration out to other people or we vent it out on them. Everyone gets unhappy.

Unhappiness begets more unhappiness.

That is why there's a chasm between parents and youths today... that is why divorce rates all around the world has gone up... that is why countries go to war.

Unhappiness spreads like a pandemic and snowballs into something beyond our ability to control.

So instead of being unhappy about everything? Why not thank God for whatever blessings you have? Why not thank Him for these trials that show us how much more blessed we are to have our Faith? Why not thank Him for the trials we have because they make us grow in FAITH for He will give us the Victory to overcome them?

Our God is a FAITHFUL God! How blessed we are. He loves us more than he loves sparrows so if he feeds them and clothes the wild flowers that grow by the roadside, how much more will he love us?

Let us always REJOICE in the face of obstacles for we are blessed. Let us not be short-sighted and worry about Tomorrow. About our worldly possessions... about superstition and office politics and all the silly things we tend to worry about with our blinkered eyes.

There before us, lies a greater future... a greater home. This is just a place of transit... a place to learn how wonderful He truly is! Our home is not here... Our home is with Him. And let us live our lives to the best, according to his teachings...

Our job is not to worry about the bread and butter we eat... but the body and blood of our Lord that is a communion unto our souls. To spread the Good News to people so that they too can see beyond today's cares and to walk with lighter souls and a joyful heart!

Let us not drag our feet and look down upon the ground, but keep our eyes on Him and on His wonderous plans for us! Let's live life to His glory and He has plans to PROSPER us so that we can PROSPER others... lets not forget that promise he has made. And although we often go back on our promises to Him, you can be sure that He keeps His promises if we are sorry and willing to walk His Way again.

"Dear Father, I trust in you and your plan for me. Thank you for all the blessings you've given me this day because without your blessings, your help and your Spirit, I would not have been able to overcome this day. I am sorry for the moments I have disappointed you. Thank you for forgiving all my trespasses and please give me the strength to overcome the many trials that still lie before me. Help me always put Christ in the centre of attention in my life and follow His example. I know you have plans to prosper me and I claim victory over all my trials in the most blessed name of my Saviour, Jesus Christ. Help me to bring your Word to other people and to help spread your love, your salvation to them. I have faith in you and I thank you for your grace that has saved me from Death and Sin. Keep watching over me and helping me to grow in your love and in faith. This we pray in Jesus's name. Amen."


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